ATP38 Interview

Specific wavelengths of light can stimulate the regeneration of skin cells and reduce inflammation. The ATP38 is a device that harnesses this property of light. Ms. Rosaline Lee is a breast cancer survivor who experiences serious eczema flare up after radiotherapy. She was excited to share her experience with the ATP38.

This is Mr. Rustam, he has a history of Xerosis. Abnormally dry and scaly skin. We had the perfect solution for him.

‘Coz I value beauty over my life. I have to look for the best salon to treat my face and skin. My friends told me that I don’t look 51. More like 35 or 40, it surprised me.

As an actress, my skin is often damaged by stress. The Spa-Lon’s ATP38 has exceptionally improved my skin texture. Look, don’t I look more glamorous now?